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20 Jun 1896, 3 - Cromwell's Kansas Mirror at copy.jpg
A sketched portrait of Grace Espy Patton, whom some believe was the first LGBTQ+ student and faculty member of what is today Colorado State University. The drawing appeared across the nation as part of a syndicated newspaper story on Patton and other…

Pages from RMC_19200916 copy 2.jpg
A humor column in the Rocky Mountain Collegian, notes that there are no "effeminate men" or "masculine women" to be found at Aggies. From the context here, it is unclear whether Aggies refers to the column, the university, or some other entity or…

Pages from AGA-9209.compressed.jpg
A reprint of a story from the New York Native describing a pamphlet slipped under the door of the Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Alliance at CSU that called for the death penalty for gays. The pamphlet was written by a pastor at the Laporte Church of…

The logo of the Fort Collins Gay and Lesbian Alliance ca. 1983. This image of the logo was taken from a pamphlet produced by the FCGLA and submitted to the National Gay Task Force.
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